Slow Fish in Genoa

This year, Slow Fish the International event now in its seventh year and dedicated to the promotion of sustainable fishing and fishing practices is being held between the 14th and 17th May in Genoa, Italy.Taking place every two years, the event celebrates the diversity of fishing and culinary cultures found around the Mediterranean and in other parts of the world. It also aims to strengthen the ties between the many diverse fishing communities around the world by helping these diverse fishing communities raise a unique common voice when facing challenges such as pollution and industrial overfishing.Delegates from over fifteen countries are expected to attend this year’s event, along with the many seafood lovers from around the world, who will gather in the city’s old port area to meet producers and fishmongers to learn more about artisanal fishing.

Slow Food Norwich and Anglia will be taking part in this years Slow Fish in Genoa with a special event taking place with a signing of a letter of co operation between Slow Food Ancona which is part of Slow Food Marche in Italy and Slow Food Anglia in the UK. Both these convivia have long coastlines and with these large fishing communities, each of which wish to start exchanges and visits between members living in the different countries.
Starting in 2015 members of Slow food Norwich and Anglia will be visiting Italy several times, firstly to the Slow Fish event in Genoa and then later on in the year to the Slow Food convivia in the Marche region. We then plan to invite members of Slow Food Marche and also the local Italian fishing community back to Norfolk and Suffolk in the UK for workshops and related events.
Slow Food Anglia will be working with local funding organisations in the region to allocate funds for educational visits by local schools and colleges to coastal areas in order to learn more about sustainable fishing practices and the problems encountered by fishing communities and businesses today throughout the UK and Europe. 
Together with the relevant departments at the University of Cambridge and the UEA in Norwich we will put together educational packages aimed to increase this knowledge and awareness among the public, schools and colleges in East Anglia. 
