English Organic wine tasting in Norwich

The Greenhouse Trust in Norwich will be holding another wine tasting as part of its promotion of organic and biodynamic wines, the Trust holds regular wine tastings throughout the year and the next one is being held on Friday 14th December at 7.30 pm, with tickets on sale in advance at £12.
The evening event in December will be a tasting of  English Organic wines and will include a selection of biodynamic wines from the only English grower Sedlescombe in Sussex and organic wines from the Davenport vineyards.

Growers in the UK might not produce large quantities of wine due to our northern latitude but increasingly the quality of UK produced wine in improving.
In fact the soil in Sussex where a lot of English vineyards are located is very much like the soils found in the Champagne region of France. Because of this English sparkling wines are now recognised as some of the best of their type in the world and in recent years have also beaten Champagnes at blind tastings at international wine events.

The wine tasting at the Greenhouse will be the last of 2012, others tastings in the past year have included an organic Italian wine tasting last April and an organic French wine tasting in July.
I am sure that Tom and the others at the Greenhouse are planning for more interesting wine tastings events in 2013 and Slow food Norwich is pleased that several of its members will be attending the December event.
