Slow Food UEA festival with Slow Food Norwich and Anglia

The first festival to be held by the new Slow Food UEA group together with Slow Food Norwich and Anglia took place on the University campus on Friday 6th of May and proved extremely popular with students and staff alike.
The event started at lunchtime near the LCR building on campus and finished at 7.30 in the evening, we were pleased that as well as our Slow Food Norwich and Anglia stand several of our local Slow Food business members cam and took part in this exciting event, they provided both locally sourced food to the students as well as holding workshops and talks which took place throughout the course of the day.
During the day there was a steady stream of students and staff to our stands and most were very keen to learn more about the event and also Slow Food and the projects and work we carry out both in Norwich and also across Norfolk and indeed the whole of the UK.
We also promoted our Sustainable Fish City initiative which Slow Food Anglia together with Slow Food Norwich are working with the London based charity Sustain to make Norwich the first Sustainable Fish City in East Anglia.

The University of East Anglia in Norwich is a relatively new University and was established in 1963, it now has over 17,000 students and staff and is ranked as one of the tenth best nearly created Universities in the world and is also in the top twenty rankings of all current UK Universities,
The University authorities are now going to actively promote Slow Food Anglia on the campus and which will offer students the chance to hear about the ethos, projects and events that Slow Food Norwich together with Slow Food Anglia and England has to offer to communities and food producers and consumers in the county of Norfolk.
Slow Food Anglia is the regional body for the larger Slow Food England organisation in the UK, Anglia was set up in 2015 with Slow Food Norwich having been in existence in the city of Norwich since 2009.
Slow Food UEA is working closely with members of the Slow Food Norwich group to promote both the new group at the University to help bring awareness of Slow food to both students, staff and also residents of Norwich and this part of the county of Norfolk.

After the success of this first Slow Food UEA festival we hope to hold another festival at the University later this year and we have invited two of our members whose work is in the field of sustainability and environmental issues to take part, and they will hold lectures and practical workshops on campus for the students.
Our aim at the next Slow Food UEA festival is to be able to offer a much larger range of workshops and talks on local food issues by Slow Food members who are from both Norfolk and other counties in East Anglia,
There will again be local Slow Food business members taking stands and we hope that there will also be a representative from Slow Food England to give a talk on the history and future projects that Slow Food carry out both in the UK and internationally.
