Slow Food Norwich works closely with Slow Food Anglia on projects and events which involve the fishing communities and fishing interests in both Norfolk and the East Anglian region as a whole. As part of this on going work by Slow Food Norwich approached Sustain in London to start an application for the city of Norwich to become one of the growing number of Sustainable Fish cities in the UK along with other major cities already taking part in this exciting project such as Liverpool, Belfast, Manchester and Newcastle. After visiting Ruth at Sustain in London we now are part of this very exciting initiative with Norwich now being included on the Sustainable Fish City website and members starting to approach food businesses and other companies in Norwich to ask them to take part in the project.
We believe with our long and diverse coastline around East Anglia and also the Anglia regions historic fishing heritage that the city of Norwich should be included in the list of current members, and we plan on having Norwich accepted as a sustainable fish city by the end of 2015. Slow Food Norwich will be working closely with Silvia from Slow Food Anglia will be concentrating on working with fishing communities and the small fishing businesses across East Anglia in 2016, as part of this work we hope to establish a new group in Kings Lynn in Norfolk and in Colchester in Essex, also reopening the Cambridge Slow Food group which closed in 2011.
Silvia and Dermott met Ruth from Sustain in London and she has been very supportive so far in our work for the city to become a member of the Sustainable Fish City project. Ruth has been helping the other cities who are already members of the project and she will now help and guide us as we approach local businesses, restaurants, hospitals.
Norwich City council which is currently supporting our plans to hold a dedicated Slow Food festival in Norwich in April 2016 will also be approached about being included in the project, and the festival in Norwich next April will also include a special emphasis on the Sustainable fish programme and part of this will be aimed at getting both local restaurants, hospitals and local authority schools to start sourcing the fish they use only from sustainable sources.
Other projects that conern the fishing heritage of the county of Norfolk will include working to obtain Presidia staus for the Cronmer crab and Brown shrimp from Kings Lynn area of the Wash.
We also hope that in the future Slow Food Norwich can work more closely with other Slow Food groups in the UK and possibly overseas on projects that have a bearing on the problems that local fishing communities and small fish related businesses face in the world today.
We believe with our long and diverse coastline around East Anglia and also the Anglia regions historic fishing heritage that the city of Norwich should be included in the list of current members, and we plan on having Norwich accepted as a sustainable fish city by the end of 2015. Slow Food Norwich will be working closely with Silvia from Slow Food Anglia will be concentrating on working with fishing communities and the small fishing businesses across East Anglia in 2016, as part of this work we hope to establish a new group in Kings Lynn in Norfolk and in Colchester in Essex, also reopening the Cambridge Slow Food group which closed in 2011.
Norwich City council which is currently supporting our plans to hold a dedicated Slow Food festival in Norwich in April 2016 will also be approached about being included in the project, and the festival in Norwich next April will also include a special emphasis on the Sustainable fish programme and part of this will be aimed at getting both local restaurants, hospitals and local authority schools to start sourcing the fish they use only from sustainable sources.
Other projects that conern the fishing heritage of the county of Norfolk will include working to obtain Presidia staus for the Cronmer crab and Brown shrimp from Kings Lynn area of the Wash.
We also hope that in the future Slow Food Norwich can work more closely with other Slow Food groups in the UK and possibly overseas on projects that have a bearing on the problems that local fishing communities and small fish related businesses face in the world today.
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