West Norwood Slow Food Festival

Organising local markets and food events are part of the work that Slow Food carries out throughout the year and Slow food London is very proactive in organising food events for both their members and also the general public.
Slow Food helped organise a food festival in West Norwood  in London yesterday and Slow food London member Alistair Cameron took part with a talk and demonstration of food and wine from the Libera Terra organisation in Sicily. Libera Terra works closely with Slow Food in Italy and with Slow Food Norwich in the east of England, and these groups are helping to promote the organisation in London with the help of Slow food London
Alistair from Slow Food London and the Market Quarter in Begravia gave a talk at the festival about the culture and food of the island of Sicily. He also spoke about the Libera Terra organisation and then also cooked pasta with passata and olive oil all produced by Libera in Sicily and southern Italy. There was also a small selection of Libera Terra wines for the public to try, and these all proved very popular.

The West Norwood Slow Food Festival was a really popular event and was supported by Lambeth Council, The Mayor of Londons office, the Co-operative and several other local organisations.
It is hoped that there will be another food festival at the same venue in 2013 and Slow Food will continue working with local communities both in London and other cities such as Norwich to promote good local food.
